By Yoshimasa Sakurai (1938-2024)

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1938 Born in Kobe
1961 Graduated from the Dept. of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering, Kobe Univ.
1962 Graduated from the Special Course of the above Dept.
1964 Graduated from the Master’s Course of Architectural Engineering in the Graduate School, Kyoto Univ.
1964 Teaching and Research Assistant at the Dept of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering, Kobe Univ.
1970 Lecturer at the Dept. of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering, Kansai Univ.
1976 An Associate Professor for Kansai Univ.
1983 Doctor of Engineering from Kyoto Univ.
1990 Prize of the Architectural Institute of Japan
1998 Resigned from Kansai Univ.
1998 Practical research for sustainable living at the Experimental House in Kaiwaka, New Zealand

2024 Passed away at his land in Kaiwaka, aged 86


Chapter 1 Seeking for a sustainable way of living -Current progress of the project-

Motive to commence the project
Experimental project at Kaiwaka (KW)
(1)Energy from nature
Summary of this section
1-1-3) Solar energy collection by solar panels
1-1-4) Fire wood growth (coppicing) and its carbonisation
1-1-5) Windmills
1-1-6) Ground heat use
1-1-7) Plans for the near future, experiments, and challenges
1-2) House designing and planning
(2) House construction with local nature-friendly materials
(3) Cleansing of exhausts and drained water from daily activity.
(4) Self-sufficiency based on organic farming
Recent harvest of crops
About cooking and dishes
Summary of this chapter

Chapter 2 Aiming for a sustainable life

(1) For the start toward a sustainable life
(2) House planning aiming the sustainable way of living
(3) Utopia Village Scheme (Togen-kyo Scheme)
(4) Co-existence with other areas (What a city stands for? How about a country?)
(5) A bridge to the next generation
(6) Some items left for later
Resume of this chapter

Chapter 3 Joyful life

Chapter 4 Soliloquy of an earthly man

Chapter 5 How technology and science can support a sustainable way of living

Architectural Environmental Planning
A) Flow chart for sustainable planning
B) Physical field calculation for three architectural environmental factors in their simulated specific scales
B-1) Noise level in Leq(A)
B-1-1) Decrease by distance
B-1-2) Decrease by diffraction
B-1-3) Transmission loss at wall
B-1-4) Sound field in an enclosure
B-1-5) General steps for noise control
B-1-6-1) A weighting for the loudness of a noise
B-1-6-2) Evaluation of fluctuating noises with Leq (A)
B-2) Thermal conditions in SET*
B-2-1) Thermal equation
B-2-2) Finite difference equation for thermal transfer
B-2-3) Equation of heat balance
B-2-4) Equation of air movement (Bernoulli’ formula)
B-2-5) Linking two equations
B-2-6) Comparison of measured and calculated temperature changes
B-3) Light environment in lux
B-3-1) Integral equation for indirect illuminance
B-3-2) Equivalent reflectance method

C) Theory of the Quantification II by Hayashi
D) Combined rating of indoor environments
E) Combined rating of a living environment
F) Theory of quantification I by Hayashi
F-1) A few applications of the theory of quantification I
F-2) Prediction of motor vehicle noise propagation
F-3) The effect of environmental factors on the performance of one figure addition
G) Suggested applications of the theories of quantification I and II
G-1) Applications of the theory of quantification I
(a) Air convection, (b) Fruit growing, (c) Veggie growing, (d) Crops growing
G-2) Applications of the theory of quantification II
(a) Causes of cancer
H) Evaluation for fluctuating environmental factors
H-1) Sound
H-1-1) Impulse response of our hearing system R (t)
H-1-2) Absolutizing in our hearing system
H-1-3) Loudness processing of sound
H-2) Thermal sensations
H-3) Impulse response for brightness
H-4) Summaries of impulse responses for three sensory systems
Some additional comments on specific and combined rating
An idea to find the relationship between the steady state combined rating and combined rating for a changing environment

The latest site report
The above paper was published in April 2014 on the Journal of Temporal Design in Architecture and Environment whose website is

Chapter 6  My Acoustics

(I)Sound field calculation
(1-1)Reflection from a rigid plane panel in the frequency domain
(1-2)Reflection from a rigid plane panel and a curved rigid panel in the time domain
(1-3)Reflection from a panel with a reflection coefficient
(1-4)Mutual reflection between panels
(1-5)Early reflections in a scale model auditorium
(1-6)Reflection coefficient from auditorium seats and a few other ones
(1-7)Asymptotic expansion of the Rubinowizc line integral and a half amplitude method
(1-8)Diffraction over a semi-infinite thick barrier
(1-9)Diffraction around a rectangular body
(1-10)Diffraction of barriers with a variety of top shape
(1-11)Diffraction of barriers with different arrangements
(1-12)Acoustics of an amphitheatre

(II) Response of our hearing system

(III)Acoustic evaluation of an auditorium

(V)Transient responses of other sensory systems

(VI)Fusion of sight and audition

(VII)Physiological responses to a rectangular pulse of 0.05ms

Appendix: Remaining subjects for Acoustics

Chapter 7 Appendix (Japanese)

(1) Temperature change in cow dung
(2) Ozeki septic tank for dimensions, seeding and conditioning
(3) Synthesized evaluation of indoor climate
(4) Synthesized evaluation of a living environment
(5) Future plan of Kyoto city for the 21st century
(6) Is our university just a school or a university? – From my experiences
(7) Wrong English education in Japan
(8) Records of rice growing at Kaiwaka – Including perennial growth
(9) A few published articles on this project

Videotape “Welcome to the Experimental House” with Yoshi’s guide.
(Not yet made)

The author expresses his sincere appreciation to co-workers for their help. and to Ms Helen Black in Sydney, Miss Sally Smith in Silverdale, NZ, Mr. Don Slater in Kaiwaka, NZ and Miss Ayako Otawa in Shizuoka, Japan for their checking my English. It also goes to Mr. Takayuki Ebihara in Auckland for his help of uploading this homepage